Saturday, February 23, 2013

Illamasqua Concealer CC 200-Review, Photos, Swatch

Result: It is meant to "cover blemishes and problem areas to create beautiful skin that feels smooth and looks flawless", as stated by the company on the back of the product. Well, I sure did put it to a hard test and yup! It worked just like UC 200 worked under my eyes (review here).

As for the packaging, I absolutely love it. I actually find Illamasqua packaging better than MAC in comparison, which for me was rather tacky (my sister owns some MAC so I got a chance to compare). The product rests in a little black glossy cubic container and snaps open and close with ease. It comes with a mirror inside, which I believe is a part of most Illamasqua products.
It has a creamy texture, but I had to rub my finger a few times to pick some product, which is actually good. Cream formulations have always kind of scared me because of my oily skin but I still had to test out the product efficiency so I applied it on an area of my cheek (without foundation) where I have old acne scars and waited for a few minutes to see if:

1) My cheeks start to seem shiny/oily
2) The concealer starts to melt off

Well, nothing like that happened and I could actually tell a difference between both my cheeks. So the company claim is actually true! Yaaay! But it can melt if kept under very warm temperature, so make sure you store it in the fridge or some place cool. It is fragrance free and full coverage. So I guess it will last a good time. I picked CC 200, which is pretty similar to UC 200. Honestly, I have to make guesses to pick out a shade for me as we sadly do not have Illamasqua at stores in Pakistan. But, it still works well for my medium skin. It is available in 9 shades on the website and each container comprises of 2 grams of the product. For the content, the price tag of £13.00 is a bit steep, but I got mine for £5.00 as it was on sale.

Rating: 4/5

Price: £13.00 

Available at: (Worldwide Shipping)

In Pakistan you can place orders for Illamasqua through Beauty Unleashed. This is my second purchase from the page and so far I have a great shopping experience with them.

Official Website: Illamasqua

Conclusion: Illasmasqua is becoming a hot favorite of mine. I am not exaggerating but this stuff seriously does what it says, which is what we all want right? So would I recommend it? Yes!

Illamasqua Concealer CC 200
Illamasqua Concealer CC 200
Illamasqua Concealer CC 200
Illamasqua Concealer CC 200
Illamasqua Concealer CC 200
Illamasqua Concealer CC 200

Kiran Ahmed
Kiran Imtiaz Author

I would love to hear from you. Leave in your valuable comments, questions and anything you want to share, below. Comments with irrelevant links will not be published.


  1. Bit costly but sounds promising!

  2. Sounds great albeit pricey. thanks for sharing xx

  3. Soungs great if its in your budget :)

    1. I understand the price is an issue...but I can stand by these products. They do work :)
