Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Essence Blush Brush-Review, Photos

I had my eyes on this one for quite some time and finally bought it. The Essence blush brush is a little helper that can be used everyday.

Before I ordered this brush I thought it had a long handle, was quite dense and big in size. When it arrived, I was actually surprised to see that it was the complete opposite! The Essence Blush Brush is hardly 6 inches in length, is very light to carry and not very dense. Perhaps, I expected too much? Well, the packaging quite appealed to me and since I needed an angled brush I was pretty quick to order it.

The brush comes in a plastic case with an instruction leaflet. As I mentioned, it is hardly 6 inches in length and to be honest, I'm not comfortable with short handled brushes. The bristles are only double shaded and not duo fiber, so don't get confused there. The bristles are very soft and they don't pick a lot of product. It says blush brush on the leaflet, but I wouldn't recommend using it for that purpose at all because it applies the blush streaky. Same goes with contouring. Although, it is great for highlighting. It can very well transfer highlighter onto the cheek bones. Apply using the brush right over or dust it. It does not shed, which is a good point, considering its bristle volume.

Rating: 2.5/5

Take it: 

If you want a separate brush for highlighting
You want to use it everyday
You don't want to spend in expensive brushes
You find it affordable

Leave it:

You expect it to work like a professional brush
You want to use it for blush application
You want to use it for contouring
You expect it to be dense
 You expect a great quality brush

Price: Rs. 490/-
Available : Online at Just4girls.pk
Official Website: Essence US
Facebook Page: Essence Pakistan

Conclusion: In terms of versatility, this brush is a disappointment. Plus, it doesn't do what it is supposed to i.e blush application. Recommended? No.

Essence Blush Brush
Essence Blush Brush
Essence Blush Brush

Kiran Ahmed
Kiran Imtiaz Author

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  1. Nice review kiran...
    brush looks good :-)

  2. This looked so beautiful and I so much wanted it but now I am happy I didn't buy it:p Thanks for an honest review:)

  3. Ive tested this brush in the shops and apart from looking cute it just does not deliver. Thanks for the honest review:) xx

  4. Great review I wanted the brush but now I'm wondering

  5. I have it but I'm not so happy with it too :(
