Friday, August 2, 2013

Tutorial: Deep Clean Makeup Removal

As much as I love makeup, I make sure its all gone as soon as I reach home after a party or some other event. And I strongly suggest every girl out there to "always" remove makeup before going to bed, if you love your skin. Here's how I remove mine.

Products I use:
  • Clinique Clarifying Lotion No 3
  • Acti White Whitening Liquid Wash
  • Calamine Mask (calamine powder mixed with water), Optional and for "Oily Skin" types only
  • Cotton Balls 

  • Clinique Clarifying lotion is available at just4girls for Rs. 1950/-. It is expensive but lasts a long time. You can go for an astringent if you like.
  • Acti white liquid wash was prescribed to me by Dr. Afzal Lodhi. I love this product and use 2 it times daily. You may find it at Time Medicos in Karachi. But if not, you can use your regular face wash.
  • Calamine powder is available at well known chemists across major cities but make sure you get it from a reliable chemist, as there are similar powders available. If you can't find it, or you're not an oily skin type, just follow step 1 and 2.
  • Cotton balls are widely available at general stores and super marts, everywhere.


First, I wet a cotton ball with the clinique clarifying lotion and wipe my entire face with it. It helps remove all that foundation and powders with ease. After that I wash my face with plain water and prepare calamine mask, by mixing a teaspoon of calamine powder with a few drops of water to form a paste and apply. When the mask is dry I wash it off with plain water first and then rewash my face with acti white liquid wash, which makes sure there are no residues on my skin.

Tip: Don't pat dry your face with a towel. It increases chances of breakouts and acne. I've given up on this habit and use soft tissues instead. They're a one time use and can be thrown away. All I do is place the tissue on face and gently tap it, so it can absorb the wetness and I'm done.

I hope this helps..xoxo
Kiran Ahmed
Kiran Imtiaz Author

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  1. Clinique is always a safe choice thanks for sharing :)

  2. Please please please stop using the Clinique on your skin - it's far too aggressive - there are so many other toners out there that you could use that would be SO much better for your skin.

    Ambarina ~ Beauty Passionista Beauty & Style Blog

    1. Sweety clinique clarifying lotion does not hurt my skin as I have very oily skin and the summers here are dreadful. But i'll surely try some others as well :).
